It is very important to follow lip blush pre-care and aftercare instruction carefully to achieve a good result. Colour will be lost or patchy if you don't follow the instruction.
Do NOT drink coffee or any caffeine on the day of the procedure. Caffeine causes excessive pain and bleeding
Do NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure. Drink lot of water, and have plenty of rest before the appointment.
For a lip blush to last longer, on the date of your procedure prior to your appoitnment exfoliate your lips with a natural lip scrub if you have dry lips and keep your lips moisturized
Do NOT consume Advil, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, fish oil supplements, omega-3 or any blood thinning mediation for a minimum of 72 hours prior to the procedure.
If you're very sensitive to pain, you can take Extra Strenght Tylenol right before the appointment. It helps you to relax.
Avoid exercise on the day of the procedure
If your appointment is during a cold sore outbreak, your procedure cannot be performed. If you have a history of cold sores, lip blush can trigger cold sores if you are a carrier of this virus in your body. Therefore as a precaution, it is recommended that you take anti viral mediation 3 days before the procedure and 5 days after. Cold sores cause pain and affects the healing result. It causes the colour lost or patchy.
Cold sores is herpes simplex virus and many are not aware that they are a carrier of the virus as the signs are not always visible until it is triggered. You can get any of this medication on prescription from your family doctor: ZOVIRAX/Acyclovir/Valtrex /Docosanol. Or you can get ABREVA over the counter at a pharmacy, it's less strong than the one on the prescription from your doctor.
Avoid Exfoliators, creams containing Glycolic Acid, Retin-A, Renova, and Alpha Hydroxyls Acid (AHAs) at least 72 hours before the procedure